
Boost Your Practice & Patient-relationship

A complete & Secure software that's built around YOU

Bestosys is not only the most feature-rich practice management solution for doctors, but is also completely focused on YOU, YOUR bonding with your patients, YOUR branding, and YOUR practice growth.

In-built Social Media Integration to spread the word-of-mouth

Whatsapp promotes your brand (not your software’s)

Growth Dashboard gives you handy tools to grow revenues rapidly

Flexible features and pricing to suit practices at every stage

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Here Is Why You Should Choose BestoSys?

Key Advantages

practice growth

Practice Growth

Several tools to help you analyze and grow your practice, in a systematic and consistent manner.

social media

Social Media

Good work always spreads by word-of-mouth. Now add the wings of social media to it.


Data Security

Protections at multiple levels ensure your data enjoys end-to-end security.

customer support

Customer Support

Our users are best to comment on Customer Support. Ask us for users in your area.

BestoSys Features


Smart Calendar

Most powerful calendar in industry. On mobile, it shows your occupancy and availability in one glance!



Every SMS from Bestosys can reinforce your exclusive identity. For example, DM-DrAmit, not a massly used name.


Lab Work management

Track all your lab works end-to-end. Neatly tied with alerts as needed. No more slippages and delays caused due to communication gaps.


Data Security

Secured infrastructure, banking-grade encryption, and multi-level security to ensure your data remains secure and confidential.

perio charting

Restorative & Perio Charting

A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. Experience the visual impact of bestosys dental charting.

rate card

Multiple Rate cards

Make a standard rate card for treatments. Then add special rate cards for different groups of patients. For each patient, the applicable rates show up automatically.

Client Stories

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